YSTAR Legend RDA $24.90

The Legend by YSTAR RDA is compatible with dual coil builds and features side externally adjustable airflow, bottom & back internal airflow, and a domed center block that allows for more uniform cotton soaking.  Because this item is old, check out newer RDAs.

Legend RDA Overview

The Legend RDA has dimensions of 24mm x 40mm and is constructed from mostly 304 stainless steel with a 24K gold base for maximum electrical conduction and to enhance the appearance.   The rubber bands on the device are built-in, so they’ll never have to be replaced. The included resin-style drip tip is 11mm wide and was designed to ensure uniform and convenient dripping, enhanced by a curved block design above the deck that allows e-liquid to slide down to the coils.  The chimney inside is also unique in stopping e-liquid condensation from preventing spit back.

Airflow hits the build deck from two different places.  There are two 6mm x 1.5mm bottom air holes on opposite ends of the deck, and there are two air holes on the build deck’s center block that hit the coils from the backside.  Airflow enters the RDA from four adjustable external air slots, and the juice well is quite deep to prevent the necessity of frequent dripping.

Features & Specifications

  • Dimensions: 24mm x 40mm
  • Made from 304 stainless steel
  • Built-in rubber bands for longevity
  • Stylish appearance with laser etching
  • Colors: black, silver (rainbow/splatter not available yet)
  • Colors: blue, grey, red, white, black, silver
  • 24K gold base, pin, positive block & screws for best electrical conductivity
  • 11mm wide bore drip tip
  • Anti-spit back design
  • Deep juice well
  • Curved block design for uniform dripping
  • Dual coil compatible deck
  • 2 x internal bottom air holes
  • 2 x internal center air holes on the build deck’s block
  • 4 x external adjustable airflow slots
  • Recommended resistance: 0.15Ω to 0.3Ω
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