Hellvape Rebirth BF RDA $24.00

This device features a dual post deck with a single terminal on each post, single/dual coil compatibility, side mounted headscrews, a 6mm deep juice well, PEEK insulation, bottom adjustable honeycomb airflow, an 810 wide bore resin drip tip and a 510 drip tip adapter.

ThunderHead Creations Artemis 2 TC RDTA $27.59

The ThunderHead Creations Artemis 2 RDTA features a 5.5mL juice capacity, a 25mm diameter, dense vapor production, a side-filling slot, a postless build deck with dual coil compatibility, and a petented screw clamp system

Wotofo Recurve V2 RDA $16.59

It features a 2ml deep juice well, restrictive to fully open airflow, a postless deck,  3mm ID coils, 5mm ID coils, two internal airflow adapters for single or dual coil builds, adjustable external honeycomb airflow, compatibility with standard or squonk pin, and a curvy design.

Vandy Vape BSKR Mini V3 MTL RTA $21.59

The Vandy Vape BSKR Mini V3 MTL RTA features a top-filled 4mL juice reservoir, an anti-leak design, 4 drip tip options, two MTL fused 0.74Ω coils, and 7 airflow pipes to make adjustments.

Vapefly Brunhilde MTL RTA $17.45

This new rebuildable tank atomizer was designed by the German 103 Team and features a powerful airflow system for huge vapor with flavor, an easy top fill system, a 2 or 4ml juice capacity, super easy building and single/dual coil compatibility.

Hellvape Fat Rabbit Solo RTA $22.31

This rebuildable tank atomizer features a 4.5mL juice capacity with easy refills, a single coil postless build deck, easy building, an 810 drip tip w/ anti-condensation system, and a dual airflow system for diverse flavor production.

VGOD Elite RDA $17.10

The VGOD Elite RDA features one of the most unique designs in the vape marketplace. It has a 24mm diameter and its deck is built with flat dual posts which permits coils to share a wire terminal.

Hellvape Dead Rabbit 3 RDA $26.91

This dripper is for sale in 8 colors and features ample space for coil cutting, smoother airflow thanks to round deck posts, honeycomb & slotted airflow settings, dual coil builds, a 5mm deep juice well, a BF & standard pin, and a side-feeding design so that e-juice quickly saturates the cotton.

Wotofo Profile BF RDTA $19.99

This RDTA features a 6mL e-juice capacity, single mesh or single/dual wire coils, a mid-fill system, a BF squonk pin, side adjustable airflow, PEEK insulation, and a versatile 22.5mm diameter build deck. 

Dovpo Samdwich RDA $24.59

This dripper features a 4-level airflow adjustment system, tons of flavor production, multiple optional chuff caps, single coil builds, top airflow, a slim profile, and the capability to drip or squonk.

Auguse Era RTA V3 $31.99

The Auguse Era RTA V3  features an exquisite design, a 4mL juice capacity, two color options, a knurled bottom-filling method, seven airflow settings, and a dual coil deck.

Vandy Vape Rath RDA $22.59

This rebuildable dripping atomizer features vertical coil installation, four airflow options, top refills, a bottom juice return system and an exquisite design.

Vandy Vape Kylin V3 RTA $22.99

The Vandy Vape Kylin V3 RTA features a 6mL juice capacity, single or dual coil builds, top-located honeycomb airflow, easy top fills, and massive vapor production.