Hellvape Iron Maiden RDTA $20.13 & Free Shipping

The Iron Maiden RDTA by Hellvape features a large dual post build deck, huge 3.5mm post holes and a massive 8.5ml tank capacity. It was designed to create an RDA vape experience, but without the hassles of continuously dripping e-juice.

Digiflavor Siren GTA

The Siren GTA is a new RTA from Digiflavor that comes in two different version and was designed to produce a maximum flavor experience with mouth to lung vaping.

Ijoy Reaper Plus Tank

The Reaper Plus RBA is the latest in the Ijoy Reaper tank series. It features a patented adjustable top cooling airflow design, as well as top side filling. Ijoy has stated that it took over a year of research and development and lots of money to develop this brand new tank.

Cthulhu V3 RTA $29.00

The Cthulhu V3 is the next generation device in the Cthulhu series of rebuildable tank atomizers. Compared to the V2, it has been completely redone with a larger dimensions, two interchangeable decks and giant 3mm wire terminals.

Wotofo Serpent Mini RTA $16.77

The Wotofo Serpent Mini is a portable and cost-effective RTA that features one of the best single coil systems for its price. With unique terminals on the deck, large wick ports, peek insulators and an internal airhole, the Serpent Mini being is the perfect setup for high wattage vaping.

Sense Herakles RTA $22.79

Sense seems to continuously bring out high quality products and the brand new Herakles RTA is no exception. This rebuildable tank atomizer is said to be one of the best performing RTAs in its class. It features a huge tank, an easy build deck and amazing airflow.

Mutank RTA Kit By Indulgence $21.95

What sets the Mutank RTA by Indulgence apart from other rebuildable tanks is its amazing deck that is able to handle any build. It also wicks amazingly and has insulators that are able to take high wattage outputs.

Infinite CLT4 Dual Deck RDA $26.99

The Infinite CLT4 is the first RDA that includes two different deck options with unique posts that are easily swapped out. It is said to be very easy to use with intricate builds and there's also an amazing airflow design.

Authentic Twisted Messes V2 Squared RDA $62.99

The Squared RDA is another collaboration from Twisted Messes and Jabo Designs. It was made to work with pretty much any build. It has a two post terminal deck with four massive terminals, a huge juice well and is compatible with a wide range of drip tips.

Cthulhu V2 RTA By Cthulhu Mod $15.55 & FS

The Cthulhu V2 is a very versatile rebuildable tank atomizer with many customization options. It features a big 4.7ml e-juice capacity, top fill functionality, a completely separate deck and tank and bigger juice channels versus the V1.